Data Challenge: Mobile Phone Data

With Göran Kauermann
Munich, November 12th 2024

Mobile phone data are ubiquitous today, as almost everyone carries a mobile device in their pocket. This generates huge data trails that provide almost unbiased information about people’s mobility and location. These data have been used, for example, in the COVID-19 years to assess the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on mobility patterns.

The workshop will focus on the analysis of mobile phone data. This includes the pre-processing of massive data, the restructuring of data into mobility data such as flows, or the detection of local clusters, to name just few possible applications.

Under the umbrella of the BERD Academy, the workshop aims to bring together data scientists who work with or on mobile phone data and/or are interested in flow and mobility data to address applied research questions from sociology, economics or related fields. The workshop provides an open forum for current research and new ideas on data analysis.

:spiral_calendar_pad: Nov 12, 2024
:round_pushpin: LMU Munich
Starting Midday

About the Instructor

Göran Kauermann has been a full professor of Statistics at LMU Munich since 2011 and heads the Chair of Statistics for Economics, Business, and Social Sciences there. Additionally, he is the chairman of the German Data Science Society (GDS). His research interests focus on semi- and nonparametric analysis, generalized linear and mixed models, and network data analysis.